Night Journey

Night Wings
Last light comes quickly, and the Watchtower fills the sky with light.
We assemble in an open field behind my house, and leave our packs on the floor of the house’s deck.
A few wispy clouds move slowly across the night sky, floating in the gentle winds.

It’s unusual and dangerous for masters to flow themselves for a long journey.
When three masters come together to travel like this, they perform the changing.
Each accepts responsibility to watch over the others, and bring everyone home safely.
The group is called a circle, and the one … Read more

Dream Schools

The artist’s guild has one leader, one name, and pretends to be one guild, but it’s not.
The guild binds together many familiar visual and performance arts: painting, drawing, sculpture, pottery, digital imagery, story, theater, song, music, and dance.
One art remains that only energy masters can perform.
FlowSong, an art form built on flow and weaving, mixed with song and sculpture.

One simple idea that brings all the arts together, reaching toward unseen worlds of possibility.

Listening and Healing

My whole life, I’ve circled around a dream of healing, hiding from a voice that whispers:
You are born to heal.”

I’ve always been an outsider, looking through a window, at a clear, bright world, never finding my place, never reaching for the door.
I am Yagrin now.
There’s no more time for turning away, and letting the world pass by.
Now, healing calls me, in a voice that shakes the whole world.

My energy rises within me, and I easily cast off the fear.
Then, I turn all my strength toward healing.

Gen – Bonds of Love

A cycle passes, away from the school and Vala.
My desire to be Gen fills me, stronger and stronger, but I miss Vala even more.

Most students are told to wait a cycle between classes, but Vala said that I could return in three months.
The months are long past, and I haven’t seen or spoken with her since I left.
She doesn’t answer my messages.
Every few months she sends me a note with one word: “wait.”

What does the council want, and why does Vala ignore me?
I won’t believe she is silent by choice, but … Read more

Gen – Hands of Power and Light

Lines and Symbols
A ring of buildings surrounds me, miles high.
Sunlight flows down the edges of the buildings, through light pipes, and brighten the walkways far below.
This is my city, the largest in the world.
Today,it seems tiny, as I imagine the endless world that the Gen live in.

When I get home, my rooms feel too small to hold me for the long hours until day’s end, and my meeting with Vala.
After a short rest, and a light meal, I wander the city until I reach the streets and parkland near the school.

Day’s end … Read more

Patterns of Life and Death II

Blood and Light
A high-pitched child’s scream fills the marketplace, and people yell for a healer.

The market woman looks around in fear.
Her young daughter gone.

She runs toward the source of the scream, and I follow.
A crowd circles a booth that sells sharp metal tools, and long knives.

The girl has fallen against a knife, and cut her upper arm half off.
The artery squirts blood all around, and the arm hangs limp, as bones, muscles, and nerves are all cut.
The bleeding must be stopped soon, or the girl will bleed to death.
The arm … Read more

Patterns of Life and Death I


I open my eyes two hours before first light, surrounded by the sweet quiet, as the whole world sleeps.
Today I’ll dance the greeting early, before Shazira even wakes, and leave before it’s light.

Shazira seems so sad the last few days, and so distant.
She tries to hide her feelings from me, even though the bond makes that impossible.
She is sure I will fail the tests, and the council will force us to separate.
I tell her that Balshown gives me his full help, and enjoys our time together.

She is surprised, but the sadness … Read more

Play and Practice

I love high cliffs that rise at the edge of the sea.
The sea far below fills my eyes as the wind blows around me.

Today’s lesson and practice centers on binding things together.
Not with rope or glue or nails, but with energy.
Weavers bind objects together, through subtle changes to the energy patterns of the objects.

Today’s challenge is to bind opposites, to combine two things together which destroy each other.
I pull energy from the energy web, and bind it upon itself until it takes physical form.
I’m clumsy at this, and I only know … Read more

Master and Apprentice

Sleep and I are old friends.
On other nights, I fall asleep easily, and little disturbs my sleep.
Tonight, sleep comes and goes.
I wake often, waiting for morning, and the start of my training.

I feel dull and clumsy when morning finally comes, and I begin the greeting of the light.
Soon, I find the rhythm.
After, I eat a quick breakfast with Shazira and Tzina.
We are all quiet, thinking of what will happen to our family if the training is not enough, and I fail my tests.

“Should I fly to Balshown’s house with you?” … Read more

Hungry for Lightning

Breakfast in the kitchen with Tzina.
She delights in watching me as I eat food I’ve never tasted before.
So I let her choose my food for me.

I look out the large windows at the sky, wondering if another great storm will come today.
It’s lightning season.

At night, everyone fears the Krale attacking, even with the Watchtower to protect us.
The great danger in the day is lightstorms.
Each storm with thousands of lightning strikes, and torrential rains.
No one wants to be caught outside in the storms.

Here, on top of the mountain, on an … Read more