Day into Night

A Gen Day
I love dawn in the Watchtower.
I stand outside, on the deck, just before dawn, Shazira by my side.
She is too quiet, caught inside herself, thinking of Tzina.

When dawn arrives, the sky darkens.
The sun’s light at dawn is dim, compared to the Watchtower’s brilliant light which stops with first sun.

Berek’s parents arrive.
After we greet the sun, we go inside together, and complete the formal turnover of the Watchtower.
His parents are confused, afraid to speak of this trip.
“Berek will be safe,” I tell them.

“How can you be sure, Yagrin?” … Read more

Sweet Music

Clear Morning
A voice pulls me out of sleep.
“Wake up, Yagrin.”
“It’s almost time for the greeting.”

The world feels thick and dull as I try to rise.
Why am I so tired?

I’m alone a few minutes later when I finally get out of bed, but I hear Shazira and Tzina on the deck.
I remember holding Tzina, after the attack, as she went to sleep.
That was late afternoon.

I change into fresh clothes and wash up.
Then I join my family on the deck, by the railing, facing west, where the sun rises.
The sun … Read more