Night Journey

Night Wings
Last light comes quickly, and the Watchtower fills the sky with light.
We assemble in an open field behind my house, and leave our packs on the floor of the house’s deck.
A few wispy clouds move slowly across the night sky, floating in the gentle winds.

It’s unusual and dangerous for masters to flow themselves for a long journey.
When three masters come together to travel like this, they perform the changing.
Each accepts responsibility to watch over the others, and bring everyone home safely.
The group is called a circle, and the one … Read more

Patterns of Life and Death II

Blood and Light
A high-pitched child’s scream fills the marketplace, and people yell for a healer.

The market woman looks around in fear.
Her young daughter gone.

She runs toward the source of the scream, and I follow.
A crowd circles a booth that sells sharp metal tools, and long knives.

The girl has fallen against a knife, and cut her upper arm half off.
The artery squirts blood all around, and the arm hangs limp, as bones, muscles, and nerves are all cut.
The bleeding must be stopped soon, or the girl will bleed to death.
The arm … Read more

Patterns of Life and Death I


I open my eyes two hours before first light, surrounded by the sweet quiet, as the whole world sleeps.
Today I’ll dance the greeting early, before Shazira even wakes, and leave before it’s light.

Shazira seems so sad the last few days, and so distant.
She tries to hide her feelings from me, even though the bond makes that impossible.
She is sure I will fail the tests, and the council will force us to separate.
I tell her that Balshown gives me his full help, and enjoys our time together.

She is surprised, but the sadness … Read more