Miracles of Childhood

A Small Child
The forest is too quiet with Sindar gone.
Dilasa and I sit together on the soft ground, holding hands, surrounded by a thick, grey fog.
I hear the light rain, far above us, as it falls on the forest’s dense canopy of trees.
The quiet is broken by a gentle sobbing, near me.

“What’s wrong, little one?”

“We just met him, but he’s gone, and I miss him.”

I look in her eyes, and realize that I feel the same way.
Sindar passed through our lives like a falling star.
Will we ever see him again?… Read more

Endless Change

One Solution
The Bizra move away from us in a great synchronized wave, like a wind moving a field of flowers.
They leave the sand behind, going deep into the meadow.

“How do we heal their nightmares?” asks Shazira.

“We can’t,” says Ehraval, behind us.
“The Bizra hearts and minds are sealed tightly within energy shields.”

We turn to see him visible again, in the form of the boy with dark eyes.

“They have powerful, sensitive hearts, full of compassion, and find find violence unthinkable.”
“They can’t imagine life among us, without their shields.”
“They’ve worn those shields since … Read more

Night Journey

Night Wings
Last light comes quickly, and the Watchtower fills the sky with light.
We assemble in an open field behind my house, and leave our packs on the floor of the house’s deck.
A few wispy clouds move slowly across the night sky, floating in the gentle winds.

It’s unusual and dangerous for masters to flow themselves for a long journey.
When three masters come together to travel like this, they perform the changing.
Each accepts responsibility to watch over the others, and bring everyone home safely.
The group is called a circle, and the one … Read more

Dream Schools

The artist’s guild has one leader, one name, and pretends to be one guild, but it’s not.
The guild binds together many familiar visual and performance arts: painting, drawing, sculpture, pottery, digital imagery, story, theater, song, music, and dance.
One art remains that only energy masters can perform.
FlowSong, an art form built on flow and weaving, mixed with song and sculpture.

One simple idea that brings all the arts together, reaching toward unseen worlds of possibility.

Listening and Healing

My whole life, I’ve circled around a dream of healing, hiding from a voice that whispers:
You are born to heal.”

I’ve always been an outsider, looking through a window, at a clear, bright world, never finding my place, never reaching for the door.
I am Yagrin now.
There’s no more time for turning away, and letting the world pass by.
Now, healing calls me, in a voice that shakes the whole world.

My energy rises within me, and I easily cast off the fear.
Then, I turn all my strength toward healing.

Gifts and Mastery – 2

A Different Path
My life turns toward Flow, and becomes filled with masks and transformations.
There are five hundred common masks to learn.

I know a little about energy masks.
Shazira once taught me how to shape a mask and float it on my energy body.
It covers the pattern body like a golden garment of light.

The mask doesn’t penetrate the energy body, but it binds to it.
When the mask takes hold, your physical body vanishes.

I remember the excitement when my body was replaced by the animal body of a Twikul, a great hunter.
My … Read more

Gifts and Mastery

The city fades, and the weight of the world falls away – wars, schedules, and questions.
Shazira, Tzina, and I escape it all for three days, hiding from an uncertain future.
Talking, traveling, and laughing together.

We open our hearts to each other, trying to forget a long year apart.
Our time together is just a breath, a moment, a beautiful sunrise that will soon disappear.
We pretend that nothing will separate us, but yesterday and tomorrow hover over us, just out of sight.

The fourth day comes, and finds us camping on a distant island.
I wake … Read more

Bound to Life

The Living and the Dead
I wake alone in the round, soft bed, surrounded by my childhood home.
I’ve slept here for the last few days.
It’s so strange and familiar at the same time.

Sleep slides away.
I walk out onto the porch, and fill my lungs will the cool morning air.
I remember playing here as a boy, but the memories are fragments of the old Yagrin’s life.
Still, the feelings of love are clear and bright, like today’s sky, free of dark clouds and lightning.
A soft wind brings me the smell of the sea, and … Read more

Gen – Test of Lies

Test day.
Twelve of us stand in the large, bare room at the school, and wait impatiently for Vala.
Some distract themselves with practice, while others just talk.

Vala is fifteen minutes late, unthinkable on a test day.
She is Gen.
So different from us, we who are tied to our small, fragile bodies.
Still, she knows that emotions run wild today.

The tests twist our hearts and thoughts.
They stand between us, and our dreams of becoming Gen.

We prepare for test day the whole week, every week.
We sit in class and listen, practice our … Read more

Broken Dreams

I’m frozen, as I stare at the red eyes of the approaching Krale, a vicious expression on its hard stone face.
This time, facing the Krale, Berek finds his voice, and screams an inhuman scream.
The sound wakes me from my fear and paralysis.

I feel a storm inside me, wild energy flashing within me like lightning, but it can’t get out.
I’m holding it back.

I’ve always held back the storm.
It’s never been safe to let it go free.
Everything would change.

I have to protect Berek, so I let go, and stop resisting the power … Read more