Stories and Mirrors

Shields and Mirrors
The old Krale are gone, but will new ones be born tomorrow?
I rise again to the top of the dome, and look at the scene below with energy eyes.
A silver energy shell spins around each Bizra.
The shell is made of twelve silver disks, that move independently.
These are the shields that protect the Bizra against feelings of cruelty.

Thoughts and dreams of cruelty hide still within the Bizra.
Have these dreams all come from the energy master who became Bizra, so long ago.
To blame all this on the one master is … Read more

The Heart and the River

The Dome of Dreams
I turn, and leap into the darkness.

Night whispers to me, and challenges me to stay awake.
I run into the meadow, and fly in a spiral, five hundred feet high.
The meadow below me extends for miles, and sleeping Bizra fill the meadow.
There are thousands, or millions of Bizra.

My eyes see clearly in the darkness.
The sleeping Bizra have a gentle glow, and a cloud of moving images, ten feet high, hovers over each one.
To my energy eyes, each cloud is a cluster of energy, floating on the great web.
Sparkling … Read more

Endless Change

One Solution
The Bizra move away from us in a great synchronized wave, like a wind moving a field of flowers.
They leave the sand behind, going deep into the meadow.

“How do we heal their nightmares?” asks Shazira.

“We can’t,” says Ehraval, behind us.
“The Bizra hearts and minds are sealed tightly within energy shields.”

We turn to see him visible again, in the form of the boy with dark eyes.

“They have powerful, sensitive hearts, full of compassion, and find find violence unthinkable.”
“They can’t imagine life among us, without their shields.”
“They’ve worn those shields since … Read more

The Warrior and the Dreamer

Stealing Her Thoughts
Tzina is dying.
I transform myself into Tzina’s exact form, fire eyes and all.
Then I spread my listening body.
This lets me see and feel someone’s thoughts, feelings, and memories.

Shazira has never seen anyone do this.
Flow masters, like Shazira, use masks to change their shape, but never take the form of other Jiku.
It’s forbidden, too difficult, and too dangerous.

I’m not using a temporary mask, or even a flow transformation.
I dissolve my pattern body, and attach myself to a twin of her pattern body.

“What are you doing, Yagrin?”

“There’s no … Read more

Cruelty and Compassion

The Glow
Shortly before sunrise, light seeps across the horizon, and I awake to a soft scurrying sound.
Shazira is on watch, somewhere along the beach, out of sight.
The rest of the circle is sleeping, everyone but Ehraval, who doesn’t sleep.

I stand up in alarm, and Shazira comes near.
The sand around us is covered with dozens of small creatures that crawled out of the sea.
They look something like seals, but they’re ten inches long.

My concern vanishes when I read the gentle emotions that fill them.
“Don’t harm them, Shazira,” I tell her.
“They’re peacefulRead more

Hidden Dreams

The Kishla are strange creatures, caught between the physical and energy worlds.
Their eyes see well in day or night, and their vision is always half-focused on the energy web.

Time feels different to us while we wear this form.
The waves seem endless on the ocean beneath us, as we fly.
Hours pass, but none of us grow tired, not even Tzina.

The muscles and wings move, again, and again, without thought.
An energy limb within us, takes hold of the great web, and pulls us along.

Balshown takes the lead, and guides us where to fly.… Read more

Night Journey

Night Wings
Last light comes quickly, and the Watchtower fills the sky with light.
We assemble in an open field behind my house, and leave our packs on the floor of the house’s deck.
A few wispy clouds move slowly across the night sky, floating in the gentle winds.

It’s unusual and dangerous for masters to flow themselves for a long journey.
When three masters come together to travel like this, they perform the changing.
Each accepts responsibility to watch over the others, and bring everyone home safely.
The group is called a circle, and the one … Read more

Day into Night

A Gen Day
I love dawn in the Watchtower.
I stand outside, on the deck, just before dawn, Shazira by my side.
She is too quiet, caught inside herself, thinking of Tzina.

When dawn arrives, the sky darkens.
The sun’s light at dawn is dim, compared to the Watchtower’s brilliant light which stops with first sun.

Berek’s parents arrive.
After we greet the sun, we go inside together, and complete the formal turnover of the Watchtower.
His parents are confused, afraid to speak of this trip.
“Berek will be safe,” I tell them.

“How can you be sure, Yagrin?” … Read more

Dark Song 2

I look at Ehraval, and the darkness that covers his eyes.
What secrets hide within?

I find the black energy well that always circles around me.
I dip energy hands in the well, and bathe my eyes, over and over.
I turn toward Ehraval.
Thick darkness pours out of my eyes, and covers him, as the darkness from his eyes covers me.
Slowly, the darkness from our eyes grows brighter, until light pours out and circles around us, forming a bright sphere of spinning light.

I take Ehraval’s hands and look at his eyes, bright mirrors.
Within the … Read more

Dark Song 1

Watchtower’s Song
My steps echo as I walk through the empty Watchtower.
The visitors are all gone for Meesa, the day of joy.
Everyone gathers with family or close friends to celebrate the wonder of life, and the joy it brings.
Everyone, but me.
One guardian must always remain with the tower.

Shazira eats the holiday meals with her parents.
She has seen one child die, and the feelings of loss still race through her.
I have no memory of it, but I can sense her feelings through our bond.

She keeps watch over Tzina, remembering the … Read more